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The following are required to install the Eyer Partner Connector agents:

  • The machine learning algorithms rely on a continuous stream of data to learn effectively. So for trial deployments of the agent(s), make sure you choose an environment that closely mimics production. This means an environment with 24/7 uptime, like a QA or testing environment, where both the agents and atoms are constantly running.

  • You must have admin rights on the host you intend to deploy your agent(s).

  • The agent setup requires data from the following sources:

    • Jetty: Jetty provides a web server and servlet container, supporting features like HTTP/2, WebSocket, and more. It's open-source and free for commercial use.
    • Influx Telegraf: Telegraf is a popular open-source agent for collecting metrics from various sources.
    • Jolokia: Jolokia acts as a JMX-HTTP bridge, offering an alternative to JSR-160 connectors.

    Note: If directly downloading on the agent host isn't possible, download the files beforehand and transfer them for deployment.

  • The agentless installation does not require you to set up the Telegraf and Jolokia agents on the hosts running the atoms. However, you must deploy these agents on a host that has network access to the hosts running the Atoms.

  • The agent(s) will transmit data to over https. Make sure your firewall allows these connections.

NOTE: For early adopters, the anomaly detection will be automatically enabled 7 days after you start sending data. You will receive an email that confirming the enablement.

The agents must be connected and running at all times for this period to provide sufficient training data for the machine learning. The Eyer - TPP connector for Boomi will not return any anomaly alerts for the training period.